MySQL functions\ ~~Allow you to access MySQL database servers
Network functions\ ~~Network handling functions
NIS functions\ ~~Allow network management of important administrative files
ODBC functions\ ~~ODBC functions
Oracle functions\ ~~Interface to Oracle server
Oracle 8 functions\ ~~Allow you to access Oracle8 and Oracle7 databases
PDF functions\ ~~Handle PDF documents
Perl-compatible Regular Expression functions\ ~~The syntax for patterns used in these functions closely resembles Perl
PHP options & information\ ~~Return system information
POSIX functions\ ~~Interface to functions defined in the IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX.1)
PostgreSQL functions\ ~~Interface to Postgres databases
Program Execution functions\ ~~Execute programs
GNU Recode functions\ ~~Interface to the GNU Recode library
Regular expression functions\ ~~Used for complex string manipulation in PHP
Semaphore and shared memory functions\ ~~Use System V semaphores
Session handling functions\ ~~Preserve data across subsequent accesses
SNMP functions\ ~~Interface to SNMP library
String functions\ ~~Manipulate strings in various ways
Sybase functions\ ~~Interface to Sybase server
URL functions\ ~~Handle URLs
Variable functions\ ~~Handle variables
Vmailmgr functions\ ~~Vmailmgr functions
WDDX functions\ ~~Work with WDDX
XML parser functions\ ~~Interface to XML library
Operators\Addition (+) ~~Used to sum two numbers or perform string concatenation ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} + {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Assignment (=) ~~Assigns a value to a variable ::${{{E/Variable name}}} = {{{E/Numeric expression}}};
Operators\Bitwise AND (&) ~~Used to perform a bitwise AND on two expressions ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} & {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Bitwise left shift (<<) ~~Used to shift the bits of an expression to the left ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} << {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Bitwise NOT (~) ~~Used to perform a bitwise NOT (negation) on an expression ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = ~ {{{E/Expression}}};
Operators\Bitwise OR (|) ~~Used to perform a bitwise OR on two expressions ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} | {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Bitwise right shift (>>) ~~Used to shift the bits of an expression to the right, maintaining sign ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} >> {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Bitwise XOR (^) ~~Used to perform a bitwise exclusive OR on two expressions ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} ^ {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Concatenation (.) ~~Returns the concatenation of 2 strings ::${{{E/Result string variable}}} = {{{E/First string expression}}} . {{{E/Second string expression}}};
Operators\Assignment addition (+=) ~~Used to increment a variable by a specified amount ::${{{E/Variable}}} += {{{E/Expression}}};
Operators\Assignment division (/=) ~~Used to divide a variable by an expression ::${{{E/Variable}}} /= {{{E/Expression}}};
Operators\Assignment modulus (%=) ~~Used to divide two numbers and return only the remainder ::${{{E/Variable}}} %= {{{E/Expression}}};
Operators\Assignment multiplication (*=) ~~Used to multiply a number by another number ::${{{E/Variable}}} *= {{{E/Expression}}};
Operators\Assignment subtraction (-=) ~~Used to subtract the value of an expression from a variable ::${{{E/Variable}}} -= {{{E/Expression}}};
Operators\Assignment concatenation (.=) ~~Used to add a string to a variable ::${{{E/Variable}}} .= {{{E/String expression}}};
Operators\Division (/) ~~Used to divide two numbers and return a numeric result ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} / {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Equality (==) ~~Returns true if two expressions are equal ::{{{E/First expression}}} == {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Greater than (>) ~~Returns true if the first expression is greater than the second ::{{{E/First expression}}} > {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Greater than or equal to (>=) ~~Returns true if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second ::{{{E/First expression}}} >= {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Identify (===) ~~Returns true if two expressions are equal without type conversion ::{{{E/First expression}}} === {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Inequality (!=) ~~Returns true if two expressions are not equal ::{{{E/First expression}}} != {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Less than (<) ~~Returns true if the first expression is less than the second ::{{{E/First expression}}} < {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Less than or equal to (<=) ~~Returns true if the first expression is less than or equal to the second ::{{{E/First expression}}} <= {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Logical AND (&&) ~~Used to perform a logical conjunction on two expressions ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} && {{{E/Second expression}}}
Operators\Logical NOT (!) ~~Used to perform logical negation on an expression ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = ! {{{E/Expression}}};
Operators\Logical OR (||) ~~Used to perform a logical disjunction on two expressions ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} || {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Modulus operator (%) ~~Used to divide two numbers and return only the remainder ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} % {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Multiplication (*) ~~Used to multiply two numbers ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} * {{{E/Second expression}}};
Operators\Post-Decrement (--) ~~Retuns a variable, then decrements a variable by one ::${{{E/Variable}}}--;
Operators\Pre-Decrement (--) ~~Decrements a variable by one, then returns it ::--${{{E/Variable}}};
Operators\Post-Increment (++) ~~Returns a variable, then increments it by one ::${{{E/Variable}}}++;
Operators\Pre-Increment (++) ~~Increment a variable by one, then returns it ::++${{{E/Variable}}};
Operators\Subtraction (-) ~~Used to find the difference between two numbers ::${{{E/Result variable}}} = {{{E/First expression}}} - {{{E/Second expression}}};
Statements\break ~~Terminates the current loop ::break {{{EO/Numeric Argument}}};
Statements\Single-line comment ~~Causes comments to be ignored by the PHP parser :://
Statements\Multyline comment ~~Causes comments to be ignored by the PHP parser ::/* [NL][NL] */
Statements\continue ~~Stops the current iteration of a loop, and starts a new iteration ::continue {{{EO/Numeric Argument}}};
Statements\do...while ~~Executes a statement block until a condition expression evaluates to false ::do [NL]{[NL][NL]}[NL]while({{{E/Boolean expression}}});
Statements\for ~~Executes a block of statements for as long as a specified condition is true ::for({{{E/Initialization expression}}};{{{E/Test expression}}};{{{E/Increment expression}}}) [NL]{[NL][NL]}
Statements\foreach ~~Iterates over an array ::foreach({{{E/Array}}} as ${{{E/Variable}}}) [NL]{[NL][NL]}
Statements\function ~~Declares a new function ::function {{{E/Function name}}}({{{EO/Argument list}}})
Statements\if ~~Allows for conditional execution of code fragment ::if ({{{E/Condition}}}) [NL]{[NL][NL]}
Statements\if...else ~~Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression ::if ({{{E/Condition}}}) [NL]{[NL][NL]}[NL] else [NL]{[NL][NL]}
Statements\if...elseif...else ~~Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression ::if ({{{E/If Condition}}}) [NL]{[NL][NL]} [NL] elseif {{{E/Elseif Condition}}} [NL]{[NL][NL]} [NL] else [NL]{[NL][NL]}
Statements\Labeled statement ~~Provides an identifier for a statement ::{{{E/Label}}} : {{{E/Statement}}}
Statements\return ~~Exits from the current function and returns a value from that function ::return {{{EO/Return value}}};
Statements\switch ~~Enables the execution of one or more statements when a specified expression's value matches a label ::switch ({{{E/Switch Expression}}}) {[NL] case {{{E/Case Expression0}}}: [NL] case {{{E/Case Expression1}}}: [NL]}
Statements\while ~~Executes a statement until a specified condition is false ::while ({{{E/Boolean expression}}}) [NL]{[NL][NL]}
Apache functions\apache_lookup_uri ~~Perform a partial request for the specified URI and return all info about it ::apache_lookup_uri({{{E/Filename}}});
Apache functions\apache_note ~~Get and set apache request notes ::apache_note({{{E/Note name}}}{{{EO,/Note value}}});
Apache functions\getallheaders ~~Fetch all HTTP request headers ::getallheaders();
Apache functions\virtual ~~Perform an Apache sub-request ::virtual({{{E/Filename}}});
Arbitrary precision functions\bcmod ~~Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number ::bcmod({{{E/left operand}}},{{{E/modulus}}});
Arbitrary precision functions\bcmul ~~Multiply two arbitrary precision number ::bcmul({{{E/left operand}}}, {{{E/right operand}}}{{{EO,/scale}}});
Arbitrary precision functions\bcpow ~~Raise an arbitrary precision number to another ::bcpow({{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}}{{{EO,/scale}}});
Arbitrary precision functions\bcscale ~~Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions ::bcscale({{{E/scale}}});
Arbitrary precision functions\bcsqrt ~~Get the square root of an arbitray precision number ::bcsqrt({{{E/operand}}}, {{{E/scale}}});
Arbitrary precision functions\bcsub ~~Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another ::bcsub({{{E/left operand}}}, {{{E/right operand}}}{{{EO,/scale}}});
Array functions\array ~~Returns an array of the parameters ::array({{{E/List of parameters}}});
Array functions\array_count_values ~~Counts all the values of an array ::array_count_values({{{E/List of parameters}}});
Array functions\array_flip ~~Flip all the values of an array ::aray_flip({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\array_keys ~~Return all the keys of an array ::array_keys({{{E/input array}}} {{{EO,/search value}}});
Array functions\array_merge ~~Merge two or more arrays ::array_merge({{{E/array1}}}, {{{E/array2}}});
Array functions\array_pad ~~Pad array to the specified length with a value ::array_pad({{{E/input array}}}, {{{E/pad size}}}, {{{E/pad value}}});
Array functions\array_pop ~~Pop the element off the end of array ::array_pop({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\array_push ~~Push one or more elements onto the end of array ::array_push({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{E/element1}}} {{{EO,/elementN}}});
Array functions\array_reverse ~~Return an array with elements in reverse order ::array_reverse({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\array_shift ~~Pop an element off the beginning of array ::array_shift({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\array_slice ~~Extract a slice of the array ::array_slice({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{offset}}} {{{EO,/length}}});
Array functions\array_splice ~~Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else ::array_splice({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{E/offset}}} {{{EO,/length}}} {{{EO,/replacement}}});
Array functions\array_unshift ~~Push one or more elements onto the beginning of array ::array_unshift({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{E/element1}}} {{{EO,/elementN}}});
Array functions\array_values ~~Return all the values of an array ::array_values({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\array_walk ~~Apply a user function to every member of an array ::array_walk({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{E/function}}}, {{{E/userdata}}});
Array functions\arsort ~~Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association ::arsort({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\asort ~~Sort an array and maintain index association ::asort({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\compact ~~Create array containing variables and their values ::compact({{{E/variable name}}}, {{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\count ~~Count elements in a variable ::count({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\current ~~Return the current element in an array ::current({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\each ~~Return the next key and value pair from an array ::each({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\end ~~Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element ::end({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\extract ~~Import variables into the symbol table from an array ::extract({{{E/array variable}}} {{{EO,/extract type}}} {{{EO,/prefix}}});
Array functions\in_array ~~Return true if a value exists in an array ::in_array({{{E/needle}}}, {{{E/haystack}}});
Array functions\key ~~Fetch a key from an associative array ::key({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\krsort ~~Sort an array by key in reverse order ::krsort({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\ksort ~~Sort an array by key ::ksort({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\list ~~Assign variables as if they were an array ::list({{{E/List of variables}}});
Array functions\next ~~Advance the internal array pointer of an array ::next({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\pos ~~Get the current element from an array ::pos({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\prev ~~Rewind the internal array pointer ::prev({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\range ~~Create an array containing a range of integers ::range({{{E/low}}}, {{{E/high}}});
Array functions\reset ~~Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element ::reset({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\rsort ~~Sort an array in reverse order ::rsort({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\shuffle ~~Shuffle an array ::shuffle({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\sizeof ~~Get the number of elements in an array ::sizeof({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\sort ~~Sort an array ::sort({{{E/array variable}}});
Array functions\uasort ~~Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association ::uasort({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{E/compare function}}});
Array functions\uksort ~~Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function ::uksort({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{E/compare function}}});
Array functions\usort ~~Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function ::usort({{{E/array variable}}}, {{{E/compare function}}});
Aspell functions\aspell_new ~~load a new dictionary ::aspell_new({{{E/master}}}, {{{E/personal}}});
Aspell functions\aspell_check ~~check a word ::aspell_check({{{E/dictionary link}}}, {{{E/word}}});
Aspell functions\aspell_check_raw ~~check a word without changing its case or trying to trim it ::aspell_check_raw({{{E/dictionary link}}}, {{{E/word}}});
Aspell functions\aspell_suggest ~~suggest spellings of a word ::aspell_suggest({{{E/dictionary link}}}, {{{E/word}}});
JDToGregorian\JDToGregorian ~~Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date ::jdtogregorian({{{E/julianday}}});
JDToGregorian\GregorianToJD ~~Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count ::gregoriantojd({{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}});
JDToGregorian\JDToJulian ~~Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count ::jdtojulian({{{E/julianday}}});
JDToGregorian\JulianToJD ~~Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count ::juliantojd({{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}});
JDToGregorian\JDToJewish ~~Converts a Julian Day Count to the Jewish Calendar ::jdtojewish({{{E/julianday}}});
JDToGregorian\JewishToJD ~~Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count ::jewishtojd({{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}});
JDToGregorian\JDToFrench ~~Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar ::jdtofrench({{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}});
JDToGregorian\FrenchToJD ~~Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count ::frenchtojd({{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}});
JDToGregorian\JDMonthName ~~Returns a month name ::jdmonthname({{{E/julianday}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
JDToGregorian\JDDayOfWeek ~~Returns the day of the week ::jddayofweek({{{E/julianday}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
JDToGregorian\easter_date ~~get UNIX timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year ::easter_date({{{E/year}}});
JDToGregorian\easter_days ~~get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year ::easter_days({{{E/year}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_creator ~~Sets the creator field in the pdf document ::cpdf_set_creator({{{E/creator}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_title ~~Sets the title field of the pdf document ::cpdf_set_title({{{E/title}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_subject ~~Sets the subject field of the pdf document ::cpdf_set_subject({{{E/subject}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_keywords ~~Sets the keywords field of the pdf document ::cpdf_set_keywords({{{E/keywords}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_open ~~Opens a new pdf document ::cpdf_open({{{E/compression}}}, {{{E/filename}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_close ~~Closes the pdf document ::cpdf_close({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_output_buffer ~~Outputs the pdf document in memory buffer ::cpdf_output_buffer({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_save_to_file ~~Writes the pdf document into a file ::cpdf_save_to_file({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/filename}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_current_page ~~Sets current page ::cpdf_set_current_page({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/page number}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_begin_text ~~Starts text section ::cpdf_begin_text({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_end_text ~~Ends text section ::cpdf_end_text({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_show ~~Output text at current position ::cpdf_show({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_show_xy ~~Output text at position ::cpdf_show_xy({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_text ~~Output text with parameters ::cpdf_text({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}}, {{{E/mode}}}, {{{E/orientation}}}, {{{E/alignmode}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_font ~~Select the current font face and size ::cpdf_set_font({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/font name}}}, {{{E/size}}}, {{{E/encoding}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_leading ~~Sets distance between text lines ::cpdf_set leading({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/distance}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_text_rendering ~~Determines how text is rendered ::cpdf_set_text_rendering({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_horiz_scaling ~~Sets horizontal scaling of text ::cpdf_set_horiz_scaling({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/scale}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_text_rise ~~Sets the text rise ::cpdf_set_text_rise({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/value}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_text_matrix ~~Sets the text matrix ::cpdf_set_text_matrix({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/matrix}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_text_pos ~~Sets text position ::cpdf_set_text_pos({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_char_spacing ~~Sets character spacing ::cpdf_set_char_spacing({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/space}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_word_spacing ~~Sets spacing between words ::cpdf_set_word_spacing({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/space}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_continue_text ~~Output text in next line ::cpdf_continue_text({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_stringwidth ~~Returns width of text in current font ::cpdf_stringwidth({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_save ~~Saves current enviroment ::cpdf_save({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_stroke ~~Draw line along path ::cpdf_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_closepath_stroke ~~Close path and draw line along path ::cpdf_closepath_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_fill ~~Fill current path ::cpdf_fill({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_fill_stroke ~~Fill and stroke current path ::cpdf_fill_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke ~~Close, fill and stroke current path ::cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_clip ~~Clips to current path ::cpdf_clip({{{E/pdf document}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_setgray_fill ~~Sets filling color to gray value ::cpdf_setgray_fill({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/value}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_setgray ~~Sets drawing and filling color to gray value ::cpdf_setgray({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/gray value}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill ~~Sets filling color to rgb color value ::cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/red value}}}, {{{E/green value}}}, {{{E/blue value}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke ~~Sets drawing color to rgb color value ::cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/red value}}}, {{{E/green value}}}, {{{E/blue value}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_setrgbcolor ~~Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value ::cpdf_setrgbcolor({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/red value}}}, {{{E/green value}}}, {{{E/blue value}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_add_outline ~~Adds bookmark for current page ::cpdf_add_outline({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
ClibPDF functions\cpdf_set_page_animation ~~Sets duration between pages ::cpdf_set_page_animation({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/transition}}}, {{{E/duration}}});
Date and Time functions\checkdate ~~validate a date/time ::checkdate({{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}});
Date and Time functions\date ~~format a local time/date ::date({{{E/format}}} {{{EO,/timestamp}}});
Date and Time functions\getdate ~~get date/time information ::getdate({{{E/timestamp}}});
Date and Time functions\gettimeofday ~~get current time ::gettimeofday();
Date and Time functions\gmdate ~~format a GMT/CUT date/time ::gmdate({{{E/format}}}, {{{E/timestamp}}});
Date and Time functions\gmmktime ~~get UNIX timestamp for a GMT date ::gmmktime({{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/minute}}}, {{{E/second}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}} {{{EO,/is_dst}}});
Date and Time functions\gmstrftime ~~format a GMT/CUT time/date according to locale settings ::gmstrftime({{{E/format}}}, {{{E/timestamp}}});
Date and Time functions\microtime ~~return current UNIX timestamp with microseconds ::microtime();
Date and Time functions\mktime ~~get UNIX timestamp for a date ::mktime({{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/minute}}}, {{{E/second}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/year}}} {{{EO,/is_dst}}});
Date and Time functions\strftime ~~format a local time/date according to locale settings ::strftime({{{E/format}}}, {{{E/timestamp}}});
Date and Time functions\time ~~return current UNIX timestamp ::time();
dBase functions\dbase_create ~~creates a dBase database ::dbase_create({{{E/filename}}}, {{{E/fields}}});
dBase functions\dbase_open ~~opens a dBase database ::dbase_open({{{E/filename}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
dBase functions\dbase_close ~~close a dBase database ::dbase_close({{{E/dbase_identifier}}});
dBase functions\dbase_pack ~~packs a dBase database ::dbase_pack({{{E/dbase_identifier}}});
dBase functions\dbase_add_record ~~add a record to a dBase database ::dbase_add_record({{{E/dbase_identifier}}}, {{{E/record}}});
dBase functions\dbase_replace_record ~~replace a record in a dBase database ::dbase_replace_record({{{E/dbase_identifier}}}, {{{E/record}}}, {{{E/dbase_record_number}}});
dBase functions\dbase_delete_record ~~deletes a record from a dBase database ::dbase_delete_record({{{E/dbase_identifier}}}, {{{E/record}}});
dBase functions\dbase_get_record ~~gets a record from a dBase database ::dbase_get_record({{{E/dbase_identifier}}}, {{{E/record}}});
dBase functions\dbase_get_record_with_names ~~gets a record from a dBase database as an associative array ::dbase_get_record_with_names({{{E/dbase_identifier}}}, {{{E/record}}});
dBase functions\dbase_numfields ~~find out how many fields are in a dBase database ::dbase_numfields({{{E/dbase_identifier}}});
dBase functions\dbase_numrecords ~~find out how many records are in a dBase database ::dbase_numrecords({{{E/dbase_identifier}}});
dbm functions\dbmopen ~~opens a dbm database ::dbmopen({{{E/filename}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
dbm functions\dbmclose ~~closes a dbm database ::dbmclose({{{E/dbm_identifier}}});
dbm functions\dbmexists ~~tells if a value exists for a key in a dbm database ::dbmexists({{{E/dbm_identifier}}}, {{{E/key}}});
dbm functions\dbmfetch ~~fetches a value for a key from a dbm database ::dbmfetch({{{E/dbm_identifier}}}, {{{E/key}}});
dbm functions\dbminsert ~~inserts a value for a key in a dbm database ::dbminsert({{{E/dbm_identifier}}}, {{{E/key}}}, {{{E/value}}});
dbm functions\dbmreplace ~~replaces the value for a key in a dbm database ::dbmreplace({{{E/dbm_identifier}}}, {{{E/key}}}, {{{E/value}}});
dbm functions\dbmdelete ~~deletes the value for a key from a dbm database ::dbmdelete({{{E/dbm_identifier}}}, {{{E/key}}});
dbm functions\dbmfirstkey ~~retrieves the first key from a dbm database ::dbmfirstkey({{{E/dbm_identifier}}});
dbm functions\dbmnextkey ~~retrieves the next key from a dbm database ::dbmnextkey({{{E/dbm_identifier}}}, {{{E/key}}});
dbm functions\dblist ~~describes the dbm-compatible library being used ::dblist();
Filesystem functions\stat ~~give information about a file ::stat({{{E/filename}}});
Filesystem functions\lstat ~~give information about a file or symbolic link ::lstat({{{E/filename}}});
Filesystem functions\symlink ~~create a symbolic link ::symlink({{{E/target}}}, {{{E/link}}});
Filesystem functions\tempnam ~~create unique file name ::tempnam({{{E/dir}}}, {{{E/prefix}}});
Filesystem functions\touch ~~set modification time of file ::touch({{{E/filename}}}, {{{E/time}}});
Filesystem functions\umask ~~changes the current umask ::umask({{{E/mask}}});
Filesystem functions\unlink ~~delete a file ::unlink({{{E/filename}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_open ~~Open a FDF document ::fdf_open({{{E/filename}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_close ~~Close an FDF document ::fdf_close({{{E/fdf_document}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_save ~~Save a FDF document ::fdf_save({{{E/filename}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_get_value ~~Get the value of a field ::fdf_get_value({{{E/fdf_document}}}, {{{E/fieldname}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_set_value ~~Set the value of a field ::fdf_set_value({{{E/fdf_document}}}, {{{E/fieldname}}}, {{{E/value}}}, {{{E/isName}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_next_field_name ~~Get the next field name ::fdf_next_field_name({{{E/fdf_document}}}, {{{E/fieldname}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_set_ap ~~Set the appearance of a field ::fdf_set_ap({{{E/fdf_document}}}, {{{E/field_name}}}, {{{E/face}}}, {{{E/filename}}}, {{{E/page_number}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_set_status ~~Set the value of the /STATUS key ::fdf_set_status({{{E/fdf_document}}}, {{{E/status}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_get_status ~~Get the value of the /STATUS key ::fdf_get_status({{{E/fdf_document}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_set_file ~~Set the value of the /F key ::fdf_set_file({{{E/fdf_document}}}, {{{E/filename}}});
Forms Data Format functions\fdf_get_file ~~Get the value of the /F key ::fdf_get_file({{{E/fdf_document}}});
FTP functions\ftp_connect ~~Opens up an FTP connection ::ftp_connect({{{E/host}}} {{{EO,/port}}});
FTP functions\ftp_login ~~Logs in an FTP connection ::ftp_login({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}});
FTP functions\ftp_pwd ~~Returns the current directory name ::ftp_pwd({{{E/ftp_stream}}});
FTP functions\ftp_cdup ~~Changes to the parent director ::ftp_cdup({{{E/ftp_stream}}});
FTP functions\ftp_chdir ~~Changes directories on a FTP server ::ftp_chdir({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/directory}}});
FTP functions\ftp_mkdir ~~Creates a directory ::ftp_mkdir({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/directory}}});
FTP functions\ftp_rmdir ~~Removes a directory ::ftp_rmdir({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/directory}}});
FTP functions\ftp_nlist ~~Returns a list of files in the given directory ::ftp_nlist({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/directory}}});
FTP functions\ftp_rawlist ~~Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory ::ftp_rawlist({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/directory}}});
FTP functions\ftp_systype ~~Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server ::ftp_systype({{{E/ftp_stream}}});
FTP functions\ftp_pasv ~~Turns passive mode on or off ::ftp_pasv({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/pasv}}});
FTP functions\ftp_get ~~Downloads a file from the FTP server ::ftp_get({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/local_file}}}, {{{E/remote_file}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
FTP functions\ftp_fget ~~Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file ::ftp_fget({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/fp}}}, {{{E/remote_file}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
FTP functions\ftp_put ~~Uploads a file to the FTP server ::ftp_put({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/remote_file}}}, {{{E/local_file}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
FTP functions\ftp_fput ~~Uploads from an open file to the FTP server ::ftp_fput({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/remote_file}}}, {{{E/fp}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
FTP functions\ftp_size ~~Returns the size of the given file ::ftp_size({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/remote_file}}});
FTP functions\ftp_mdtm ~~Returns the last modified time of the given file ::ftp_mdtm({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/remote_file}}});
FTP functions\ftp_rename ~~Renames a file on the ftp server ::ftp_rename({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/from}}}, {{{E/to}}});
FTP functions\ftp_delete ~~Deletes a file on the ftp server ::ftp_delete({{{E/ftp_stream}}}, {{{E/path}}});
FTP functions\ftp_quit ~~Closes an FTP connection ::ftp_quit({{{E/ftp_stream}}});
Hash functions\mhash_get_hash_name ~~Get the name of the specified hash ::mhash_get_hash_name({{{E/hash}}});
Hash functions\mhash_get_block_size ~~Get the block size of the specified hash ::mhash_get_block_size({{{E/hash}}});
Hash functions\mhash_count ~~Get the highest available hash id ::mhash_count();
Hyperwave functions\hw_GetObjectByQueryColl ~~search object in collection ::hw_getobjectbyquerycoll({{{E/connection}}}, {{{E/objectID}}}, {{{E/query}}}, {{{E/max_hits}}});
Hyperwave functions\hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj ~~search object in collection ::hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj({{{E/connection}}}, {{{E/objectID}}}, {{{E/query}}}, {{{E/max_hits}}});
Hyperwave functions\hw_GetChildDocColl ~~object ids of child documents of collection ::hw_getchilddoccoll({{{E/connection}}}, {{{E/objectID}}});
Hyperwave functions\hw_GetChildDocCollObj ~~object records of child documents of collection ::hw_getchilddoccollobj({{{E/connection}}}, {{{E/objectID}}});
Hyperwave functions\hw_GetAnchors ~~object ids of anchors of document ::hw_getanchors({{{E/connection}}}, {{{E/objectID}}});
Hyperwave functions\hw_GetAnchorsObj ~~object records of anchors of document ::hw_getanchorsobj({{{E/connection}}}, {{{E/objectID}}});
Image functions\ImageChar ~~draw a character horizontally ::imagechar({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/font}}}, {{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}}, {{{E/c}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImageCharUp ~~draw a character vertically ::imagecharup({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/font}}}, {{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}}, {{{E/c}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImageColorAllocate ~~allocate a color for an image ::imagecolorallocate({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/red}}}, {{{E/green}}}, {{{E/blue}}});
Image functions\ImageColorAt ~~get the index of the color of a pixel ::imagecolorat({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}});
Image functions\ImageColorClosest ~~get the index of the closest color to the specified color ::imagecolorclosest({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/red}}}, {{{E/green}}}, {{{E/blue}}});
Image functions\ImageColorExact ~~get the index of the specified color ::imagecolorexact({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/red}}}, {{{E/green}}}, {{{E/blue}}});
Image functions\ImageColorResolve ~~get the index of the specified color or its closest possible alternative ::imagecolorresolve({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/red}}}, {{{E/green}}}, {{{E/blue}}});
Image functions\ImageColorSet ~~set the color for the specified palette index ::imagecolorset({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/index}}}, {{{E/red}}}, {{{E/green}}}, {{{E/blue}}});
Image functions\ImageColorsForIndex ~~get the colors for an index ::imagecolorsforindex({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/index}}});
Image functions\ImageColorsTotal ~~find out the number of colors in an image's palette ::imagecolorstotal({{{E/im}}});
Image functions\ImageColorTransparent ~~define a color as transparent ::imagecolortransparent({{{E/im}}} {{{EO,/col}}});
Image functions\ImageCopyResized ~~copy and resize part of an image ::imagecopyresized({{{E/dst_im}}}, {{{E/src_im}}}, {{{E/dstX}}}, {{{E/dstY}}}, {{{E/srcX}}}, {{{E/srcY}}}, {{{E/dstW}}}, {{{E/dstH}}}, {{{E/srcW}}}, {{{E/srcH}}});
Image functions\ImageCreate ~~create a new image ::imagecreate({{{E/x_size}}}, {{{E/y_size}}});
Image functions\ImageCreateFromGif ~~create a new image from file or URL ::imagecreatefromgif({{{E/filename}}});
Image functions\ImageDashedLine ~~draw a dashed line ::imagedashedline({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/x1}}}, {{{E/y1}}}, {{{E/x2}}}, {{{E/y2}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImageDestroy ~~destroy an image ::imagedestroy({{{E/im}}});
Image functions\ImageFill ~~flood fill ::imagefill({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImageFilledPolygon ~~draw a filled polygon ::imagefilledpolygon({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/points}}}, {{{E/num_points}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImageFillToBorder ~~flood fill to specific color ::imagefilltoborder({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}}, {{{E/border}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImageFontHeight ~~get font height ::imagefontheight({{{E/font}}});
Image functions\ImageFontWidth ~~get font width ::imagefontwidth({{{E/font}}});
Image functions\ImageGif ~~output image to browser or file ::imagegif({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/filename}}});
Image functions\ImageInterlace ~~enable or disable interlace ::imageinterlace({{{E/im}}} {{{EO,/interlace}}});
Image functions\ImageLine ~~draw a line ::imageline({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/x1}}}, {{{E/y1}}}, {{{E/x2}}}, {{{E/y2}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImageLoadFont ~~load a new font ::imageloadfont({{{E/file}}});
Image functions\ImagePolygon ~~draw a polygon ::imagepolygon({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/points}}}, {{{E/num_points}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Image functions\ImagePSBBox ~~give the bounding box of a text rectangle using PostScript Type1 fonts ::imagepsbbox({{{E/text}}}, {{{E/font}}}, {{{E/size}}}, {{{E/space}}}, {{{E/width}}}, {{{E/angle}}});
Image functions\ImagePSEncodeFont ~~change the character encoding vector of a font ::imagepsencodefont({{{E/encodingfile}}});
Image functions\ImagePSFreeFont ~~free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font ::imagepsfreefont({{{E/fontindex}}});
Image functions\ImagePSLoadFont ~~load a PostScript Type 1 font from file ::imagepsloadfont({{{E/filename}}});
Image functions\ImagePSText ~~to draw a text string over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts ::imagepstext({{{E/image}}}, {{{E/text}}}, {{{E/font}}}, {{{E/size}}}, {{{E/foreground}}}, {{{E/background}}}, {{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}} {{{EO,/space}}} {{{EO,/tightness}}} {{{EO,/angle}}} {{{EO,/antialias_steps}}});
Image functions\ImageTTFBBox ~~give the bounding box of a text using TypeType fonts ::ImageTTFBBox({{{E/size}}}, {{{E/angle}}}, {{{E/fontfile}}}, {{{E/text}}});
Image functions\ImageTTFText ~~write text to the image using TrueType fonts ::ImageTTFText({{{E/im}}}, {{{E/size}}}, {{{E/angle}}}, {{{E/x}}}, {{{E/y}}}, {{{E/col}}}, {{{E/fontfile}}}, {{{E/text}}});
IMAP functions\imap_append ~~Append a string message to a specified mailbox ::imap_append({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/mbox}}}, {{{E/message}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_base64 ~~Decode BASE64 encoded text ::imap_base64({{{E/text}}});
IMAP functions\imap_body ~~Read the message body ::imap_body({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msg_number}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_check ~~Check current mailbox ::imap_check({{{E/imap_stream}}});
IMAP functions\imap_close ~~Close an IMAP stream ::imap_close({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_createmailbox ~~Create a new mailbox ::imap_createmailbox({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/mbox}}});
IMAP functions\imap_delete ~~Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox ::imap_delete({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msg_number}}});
IMAP functions\imap_deletemailbox ~~Delete a mailbox ::imap_deletemailbox({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/mbox}}});
IMAP functions\imap_expunge ~~Delete all messages marked for deletion ::imap_expunge({{{E/imap_stream}}});
IMAP functions\imap_fetchbody ~~Fetch a particular section of the body of the message ::imap_fetchbody({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msg_number}}}, {{{E/part_number}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_fetchstructure ~~Read the structure of a particular message ::imap_fetchstructure({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msg_number}}} {{{EO,/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_header ~~Read the header of the message ::imap_header({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msg_number}}} {{{EO,/fromlength}}} {{{EO,/subjectlength}}} {{{EO,/defaulthost}}});
IMAP functions\imap_headers ~~Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox ::imap_headers({{{E/imap_stream}}});
IMAP functions\imap_listmailbox ~~Read the list of mailboxes ::imap_listmailbox({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/ref}}}, {{{E/pat}}});
IMAP functions\imap_getmailboxes ~~Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one ::imap_getmailboxes({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/ref}}}, {{{E/pat}}});
IMAP functions\imap_listsubscribed ~~List all the subscribed mailboxes ::imap_listsubscribed({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/ref}}}, {{{E/pattern}}});
IMAP functions\imap_getsubscribed ~~Return all the subscribed mailboxes ::imap_getsubscribed({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/ref}}}, {{{E/pattern}}});
IMAP functions\imap_mail_copy ~~Copy specified messages to a mailbox ::imap_mail_copy({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msglist}}}, {{{E/mbox}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_mail_move ~~Move specified messages to a mailbox ::imap_mail_move({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msglist}}}, {{{E/mbox}}});
IMAP functions\imap_num_msg ~~Gives the number of messages in the current mailbox ::imap_num_msg({{{E/stream_id}}});
IMAP functions\imap_num_recent ~~Gives the number of recent messages in current mailbox ::imap_num_recent({{{E/imap_stream}}});
IMAP functions\imap_open ~~Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox ::imap_open({{{E/mailbox}}}, {{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_ping ~~Check if the IMAP stream is still active ::imap_ping({{{E/imap_stream}}});
IMAP functions\imap_renamemailbox ~~Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox ::imap_renamemailbox({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/old_mbox}}}, {{{E/new_mbox}}});
IMAP functions\imap_reopen ~~Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox ::imap_reopen({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/mailbox}}} {{{EO,/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_subscribe ~~Subscribe to a mailbox ::imap_subscribe({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/mbox}}});
IMAP functions\imap_undelete ~~Unmark the message which is marked deleted ::imap_undelete({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msg_number}}});
IMAP functions\imap_unsubscribe ~~Unsubscribe from a mailbox ::imap_unsubscribe({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/mbox}}});
IMAP functions\imap_qprint ~~Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string ::imap_qprint({{{E/string}}});
IMAP functions\imap_8bit ~~Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string ::imap_8bit({{{E/string}}});
IMAP functions\imap_binary ~~Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string ::imap_binary({{{E/string}}});
IMAP functions\imap_scanmailbox ~~Read the list of mailboxes, takes a string to search for in the text of the mailbox ::imap_scanmailbox({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/string}}});
IMAP functions\imap_mailboxmsginfo ~~Get information about the current mailbox ::imap_mailboxmsginfo({{{E/imap_stream}}});
IMAP functions\imap_rfc822_write_address ~~Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info ::imap_rfc822_write_address({{{E/mailbox}}}, {{{E/host}}}, {{{E/personal}}});
IMAP functions\imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist ~~Parses an address strin ::imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist({{{E/address}}}, {{{E/default_host}}});
IMAP functions\imap_setflag_full ~~Sets flags on messages ::imap_setflag_full({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/sequence}}}, {{{E/flag}}}, {{{E/options}}});
IMAP functions\imap_clearflag_full ~~Clears flags on messages ::imap_clearflag_full({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/sequence}}}, {{{E/flag}}}, {{{E/options}}});
IMAP functions\imap_sort ~~Returns an array of message numbers sorted by the given parameters ::imap_sort({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/criteria}}}, {{{E/reverse}}}, {{{E/options}}});
IMAP functions\imap_fetchheader ~~Returns header for a message ::imap_fetchheader({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msgno}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_uid ~~Returns the UID for the given message sequence number ::imap_uid({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/msgno}}});
IMAP functions\imap_msgno ~~Returns the message sequence number for the given UID ::imap_msgno({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/uid}}});
IMAP functions\imap_search ~~Returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria ::imap_search({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/criteria}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
IMAP functions\imap_last_error ~~Returns the last IMAP error (if any); that occurred during this page request ::imap_last_error();
IMAP functions\imap_errors ~~Returns all of the IMAP errors (if any); that have occurred during this page request ::imap_errors();
IMAP functions\imap_alerts ~~Returns all IMAP alert messages (if any); that have occurred during this page request ::imap_alerts();
IMAP functions\imap_status ~~Returns status information on a mailbox other than the current one ::imap_status({{{E/imap_stream}}}, {{{E/mailbox}}}, {{{E/options}}});
Informix functions\ifx_connect ~~Open Informix server connection ::ifx_connect({{{EO/database}}} {{{EO,/userid}}} {{{EO,/password}}});
Informix functions\ifx_prepare ~~Prepare an SQL-statement for execution ::ifx_prepare({{{E/query}}}, {{{E/conn_id}}} {{{EO,/cursor_def}}}, {{{E/blobidarray}}});
Informix functions\ifx_do ~~Execute a previously prepared SQL-statement ::ifx_do({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_error ~~Returns error code of last Informix call ::ifx_error();
Informix functions\ifx_errormsg ~~Returns error message of last Informix call ::ifx_errormsg({{{E/errorcode}}});
Informix functions\ifx_affected_rows ~~Get number of rows affected by a query ::ifx_affected_rows({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_getsqlca ~~Get the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query ::ifx_getsqlca({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_fetch_row ~~Get row as enumerated array ::ifx_fetch_row({{{E/result_id}}} {{{EO,/position}}});
Informix functions\ifx_htmltbl_result ~~Formats all rows of a query into a HTML table ::ifx_htmltbl_result({{{E/result_id}}} {{{EO,/html_table_options}}});
Informix functions\ifx_fieldtypes ~~List of Informix SQL fields ::ifx_fieldtypes({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_fieldproperties ~~List of SQL fieldproperties ::ifx_fieldproperties({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_num_fields ~~Returns the number of columns in the query ::ifx_num_fields({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_num_rows ~~Count the rows already fetched a query ::ifx_num_rows({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_free_result ~~Releases resources for the query ::ifx_free_result({{{E/result_id}}});
Informix functions\ifx_create_char ~~Creates an char object ::ifx_create_char({{{E/param}}});
Informix functions\ifx_free_char ~~Deletes the char object ::ifx_free_char({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifx_update_char ~~Updates the content of the char object ::ifx_update_char({{{E/bid}}}, {{{E/content}}});
Informix functions\ifx_get_char ~~Return the content of the char object ::ifx_get_char({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifx_create_blob ~~Creates an blob object ::ifx_create_blob({{{E/type}}}, {{{E/mode}}}, {{{E/param}}});
Informix functions\ifx_copy_blob ~~Duplicates the given blob object ::ifx_copy_blob({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifx_free_blob ~~Deletes the blob object ::ifx_free_blob({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifx_get_blob ~~Return the content of a blob object ::ifx_get_blob({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifx_update_blob ~~Updates the content of the blob object ::ifx_update_blob({{{E/bid}}}, {{{E/content}}});
Informix functions\ifx_blobinfile_mode ~~Set the default blob mode for all select queries ::ifx_blobinfile_mode({{{E/mode}}});
Informix functions\ifx_textasvarchar ~~Set the default text mode ::ifx_textasvarchar({{{E/mode}}});
Informix functions\ifx_byteasvarchar ~~Set the default byte mode ::ifx_byteasvarchar({{{E/mode}}});
Informix functions\ifx_nullformat ~~Sets the default return value on a fetch row ::ifx_nullformat({{{E/mode}}});
Informix functions\ifxus_create_slob ~~Creates an slob object and opens it ::ifxus_create_slob({{{E/mode}}});
Informix functions\ifx_free_slob ~~Deletes the slob object ::ifxus_free_slob({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifxus_close_slob ~~Closes the slob object ::ifxus_close_slob({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifxus_open_slob ~~Opens an slob object ::ifxus_open_slob({{{E/bid}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
Informix functions\ifxus_tell_slob ~~Returns the current file or seek position ::ifxus_tell_slob({{{E/bid}}});
Informix functions\ifxus_seek_slob ~~Sets the current file or seek position ::ifxus_seek_blob({{{E/bid}}}, {{{E/mode}}}, {{{E/offset}}});
Informix functions\ifxus_read_slob ~~Reads nbytes of the slob object ::ifxus_read_slob({{{E/bid}}}, {{{E/nbytes}}});
Informix functions\ifxus_write_slob ~~Writes a string into the slob object ::ifxus_write_slob({{{E/bid}}}, {{{E/content}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_connect ~~Open a connection to an InterBase database ::ibase_connect({{{E/database}}} {{{EO,/username}}} {{{EO,/password}}} );
InterBase functions\ibase_pconnect ~~Creates an persistent connection to an InterBase database ::ibase_connect({{{E/database}}} {{{EO,/username}}} {{{EO,/password}}} );
InterBase functions\ibase_close ~~Close a connection to an InterBase database ::ibase_close({{{EO/connection_id}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_query ~~Execute a query on an InterBase database ::ibase_query({{{EO ,/link_identifier}}} {{{E/query}}} {{{EO,/bind_args}}} );
InterBase functions\ibase_fetch_row ~~Fetch a row from an InterBase database ::ibase_fetch_row({{{E/result_identifier}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_fetch_object ~~Get an object from a InterBase database ::ibase_fetch_object({{{E/result_id}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_free_result ~~Free a result set ::ibase_free_result({{{E/result_identifier}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_prepare ~~Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution ::ibase_prepare({{{EO ,/link_identifier}}} {{{E/query}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_bind ~~Bind placeholder parameters from a previously prepared query ::ibase_bind({{{E/query}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_execute ~~Execute a previously prepared query ::ibase_execute({{{E/query}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_free_query ~~Free memory allocated by a prepared query ::ibase_free_query({{{E/query}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_timefmt ~~Sets the format of datetime columns returned from queries ::ibase_timefmt({{{E/format}}});
InterBase functions\ibase_num_fields ~~Get the number of rows in a result set ::ibase_num_fields({{{E/result_id}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_add ~~Add entries to LDAP directory ::ldap_add({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/dn}}}, {{{E/entry}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_mod_add ~~Add attribute values to current attributes ::ldap_mod_add({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/dn}}}, {{{E/entry}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_mod_del ~~Delete attribute values from current attributes ::ldap_mod_del({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/dn}}}, {{{E/entry}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_mod_replace ~~Replace attribute values with new ones ::ldap_mod_replace({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/dn}}}, {{{E/entry}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_bind ~~Bind to LDAP directory ::ldap_bind({{{E/link_identifier}}} {{{E/bind_rdn}}} {{{E/bind_password}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_close ~~Close link to LDAP server ::ldap_close({{{E/link_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_connect ~~Connect to an LDAP server ::ldap_connect({{{EO/hostname}}} {{{EO/port}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_count_entries ~~Count the number of entries in a search ::ldap_count_entries({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_delete ~~Delete an entry from a directory ::ldap_delete({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/dn}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_dn2ufn ~~Convert DN to User Friendly Naming format ::ldap_dn2ufn({{{E/dn}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_explode_dn ~~Splits DN into its component parts ::ldap_explode_dn({{{E/dn}}}, {{{E/with_attrib}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_first_attribute ~~Return first attribute ::ldap_first_attribute({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_entry_identifier}}}, {{{E/ber_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_first_entry ~~Return first result id ::ldap_first_entry({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_free_result ~~Free result memory ::ldap_free_result({{{E/result_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_get_attributes ~~Get attributes from a search result entry ::ldap_get_attributes({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_entry_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_get_dn ~~Get the DN of a result entry ::ldap_get_dn({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_entry_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_get_entries ~~Get all result entries ::ldap_get_entries({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_get_values ~~Get all values from a result entry ::ldap_get_values({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_entry_identifier}}}, {{{E/attribute}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_get_values_len ~~Get all binary values from a result entry ::ldap_get_values_len({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_entry_identifier}}}, {{{E/attribute}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_modify ~~Modify an LDAP entry ::ldap_modify({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/dn}}}, {{{E/entry}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_next_attribute ~~Get the next attribute in result ::ldap_next_attribute({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_entry_identifier}}}, {{{E/ber_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_next_entry ~~Get next result entry ::ldap_next_entry({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/result_entry_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_read ~~Read an entry ::ldap_read({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/base_dn}}}, {{{E/filter}}} {{{EO,/attributes}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_search ~~Search LDAP tree ::ldap_search({{{E/link_identifier}}}, {{{E/base_dn}}}, {{{E/filter}}} {{{EO,/attributes}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_unbind ~~Unbind from LDAP directory ::ldap_unbind({{{E/link_identifier}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_err2str ~~Convert LDAP error number into string error message ::ldap_err2str({{{E/errno}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_errno ~~Return the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command ::ldap_errno({{{E/link_id}}});
LDAP functions\ldap_error ~~Return the LDAP error message of the last LDAP command ::ldap_error(int link_id);
Mail functions\mail ~~send mail ::mail({{{E/to}}}, {{{E/subject}}}, {{{E/message}}} {{{EO,/additional_headers}}});
Mathematical functions\Abs ~~absolute value ::abs({{{E/number}}});
Mathematical functions\max ~~find highest value ::max({{{E/arg1}}}, {{{E/arg2}}}, {{{E/argn}}});
Mathematical functions\min ~~find lowest value ::min({{{E/arg1}}}, {{{E/arg2}}}, {{{E/argn}}});
Mathematical functions\mt_rand ~~generate a better random value ::mt_rand({{{EO/min}}} {{{EO,/max}}});
Mathematical functions\mt_srand ~~seed the better random number generator ::mt_srand({{{E/seed}}});
Mathematical functions\mt_getrandmax ~~show largest possible random value ::mt_getrandmax();
Mathematical functions\number_format ~~format a number with grouped thousands ::number_format({{{E/number}}}, {{{E/decimals}}}, {{{E/dec_point}}}, {{{E/thousands_sep}}});
Mathematical functions\OctDec ~~octal to decimal ::octdec({{{E/octal_string}}});
Mathematical functions\pi ~~get value of pi ::pi();
MCAL functions\mcal_open ~~Opens up an MCAL connection ::mcal_open({{{E/calendar}}}, {{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}}, {{{E/options}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_close ~~Close an MCAL stream ::mcal_close({{{E/mcal_stream}}}, {{{E/flags}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_fetch_event ~~Fetches an event from the calendar stream ::mcal_fetch_event({{{E/mcal_stream}}}, {{{E/event_id}}}, {{{E/options}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_list_events ~~Return a list of events between two given datetimes ::mcal_list_events({{{E/mcal_stream}}} {{{EO,/begin_year}}} {{{EO,/begin_month}}} {{{EO,/begin_day}}} {{{EO,/end_year}}} {{{EO,/end_month}}} {{{EO,/end_day}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_store_event ~~Store an event into an MCAL calendar ::mcal_store_event({{{E/mcal_stream}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_delete_event ~~Delete an event from an MCAL calendar ::mcal_delete_event({{{E/uid}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_snooze ~~Turn off an alarm for an event ::mcal_snooze({{{E/uid}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_list_alarms ~~Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetime ::mcal_list_events({{{E/mcal_stream}}} {{{EO,/begin_year}}} {{{EO,/begin_month}}} {{{EO,/begin_day}}} {{{EO,/end_year}}} {{{EO,/end_month}}} {{{EO,/end_day}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_init ~~Initializes a streams global event structure ::mcal_event_init({{{E/stream}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_category ~~Sets the category of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_category({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/category}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_title ~~Sets the title of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_title({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/title}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_description ~~Sets the description of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_description ({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/description}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_start ~~Sets the start date and time of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_start({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}} {{{EO,/day}}} {{{EO,/hour}}} {{{EO,/min}}} {{{EO,/sec}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_end ~~Sets the end date and time of the streams global event structure ::int mcal_event_set_end({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}} {{{EO,/day}}} {{{EO,/hour}}} {{{EO,/min}}} {{{EO,/sec}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_alarm ~~Sets the alarm of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_alarm({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/alarm}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_class ~~Sets the class of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_class({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/class}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_is_leap_year ~~Returns if the given year is a leap year or not ::mcal_is_leap_year({{{E/year}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_days_in_month ~~Returns the number of days in the given month ::mcal_days_in_month({{{E/month}}}, {{{E/leap year}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_date_valid ~~Returns true if the given year, month, day is a valid date ::mcal_date_valid({{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_time_valid ~~Returns true if the given hour, minutes, seconds is a valid time ::mcal_time_valid({{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/minutes}}}, {{{E/seconds}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_day_of_week ~~Returns the day of the week of the given date ::mcal_({{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_next_recurrence ~~Returns the next recurrence of the event ::mcal_next_recurrence({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/weekstart}}}, {{{E/next}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_recur_daily ~~Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_recur_daily({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/min}}}, {{{E/sec}}}, {{{E/interval}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_recur_weekly ~~Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_recur_weekly({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/min}}}, {{{E/sec}}}, {{{E/interval}}}, {{{E/weekdays}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday ~~Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/min}}}, {{{E/sec}}}, {{{E/interval}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday ~~Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/min}}}, {{{E/sec}}}, {{{E/interval}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_event_set_recur_yearly ~~Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure ::mcal_event_set_recur_yearly({{{E/stream}}}, {{{E/year}}}, {{{E/month}}}, {{{E/day}}}, {{{E/hour}}}, {{{E/min}}}, {{{E/sec}}}, {{{E/interval}}});
MCAL functions\mcal_fetch_current_stream_event ~~Returns an object containing the current streams event structure ::mcal_fetch_current_stream_event({{{E/stream}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_close ~~close MS SQL Server connection ::mssql_close({{{E/link_identifier}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_connect ~~open MS SQL server connection ::mssql_connect({{{E/servername}}}, {{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_data_seek ~~move internal row pointer ::mssql_data_seek({{{E/result_identifier}}}, {{{E/row_number}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_fetch_array ~~fetch row as array ::mssql_fetch_array({{{E/result}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_fetch_field ~~get field information ::mssql_fetch_field({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_offset}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_fetch_object ~~fetch row as object ::mssql_fetch_object({{{E/result}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_fetch_row ~~get row as enumerated array ::mssql_fetch_row({{{E/result}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_field_seek ~~set field offset ::mssql_field_seek({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_offset}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_free_result ~~free result memory ::mssql_free_result({{{E/result}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_num_fields ~~get number of fields in result ::mssql_num_fields({{{E/result}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_num_rows ~~get number of rows in result ::mssql_num_rows({{{E/result}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_pconnect ~~open persistent MS SQL connection ::mssql_pconnect({{{E/servername}}}, {{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_query ~~send MS SQL quer ::mssql_query({{{E/query}}}, {{{E/link_identifier}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_result ~~get result data ::mssql_result({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/i}}}, {{{E/field}}});
Microsoft SQL Server functions\mssql_select_db ~~select MS SQL database ::mssql_select_db({{{E/database_name}}}, {{{E/link_identifier}}});
Miscellaneous functions\connection_aborted ~~Returns true if client disconnected ::connection_aborted();
Miscellaneous functions\connection_status ~~Returns connection status bitfield ::connection_status();
Miscellaneous functions\connection_timeout ~~Return true if script timed out ::connection_timeout();
Miscellaneous functions\define ~~Defines a named constant ::define({{{E/name}}}, {{{E/value}}} {{{EO,/case_insensitive}}});
Miscellaneous functions\defined ~~Checks whether a given named constant exists ::defined({{{E/name}}});
Miscellaneous functions\die ~~Output a message and terminate the current script ::die({{{E/message}}});
Miscellaneous functions\eval ~~Evaluate a string as PHP code ::eval({{{E/code_str}}});
Miscellaneous functions\exit ~~Terminate current script ::exit();
Miscellaneous functions\func_get_arg ~~Return an item from the argument list ::func_get_arg({{{E/arg_num}}});
Miscellaneous functions\func_get_args ~~Returns an array comprising a function's argument list ::func_get_args();
Miscellaneous functions\func_num_args ~~Returns the number of arguments passed to the function ::func_num_args();
Miscellaneous functions\function_exists ~~Return true if the given function has been defined ::function_exists({{{E/function_name}}});
Miscellaneous functions\get_browser ~~Tells what the user's browser is capable of ::get_browser({{{EO/user_agent}}});
Miscellaneous functions\ignore_user_abort ~~Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution ::ignore_user_abort({{{E/setting}}});
Miscellaneous functions\iptcparse ~~Parse a binary IPTC block into single tags ::iptcparse({{{E/iptcblock}}});
mSQL functions\msql_tablename ~~get table name of field ::msql_tablename({{{E/query_identifier}}}, {{{E/field}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_affected_rows ~~Get number of affected rows in previous MySQL operation ::mysql_affected_rows({{{EO/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_change_user ~~Change logged in user on active connection ::mysql_change_user({{{E/user}}}, {{{E/password}}} {{{EO,/database}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_close ~~close MySQL connection ::mysql_close({{{E/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_connect ~~Open a connection to a MySQL Server ::mysql_connect({{{EO/hostname}}} {{{EO:/port}}} {{{EO://path/to/socket}}} {{{EO,/username}}} {{{E/password}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_create_db ~~Create a MySQL database ::mysql_create_db({{{E/database name}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_data_seek ~~Move internal result pointer ::mysql_data_seek({{{E/result_identifier}}}, {{{E/row_number}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_db_query ~~Send an MySQL query to MySQL ::mysql_db_query({{{E/database}}}, {{{E/query}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_drop_db ~~Drop (delete); a MySQL database ::mysql_drop_db({{{E/database_name}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_errno ~~Returns the number of the error message from previous MySQL operation ::mysql_errno({{{EO/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_error ~~Returns the text of the error message from previous MySQL operation ::mysql_error({{{EO/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_fetch_array ~~Fetch a result row as an associative array ::mysql_fetch_array({{{E/result}}} {{{EO,/result_type}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_fetch_field ~~Get column information from a result and return as an object ::mysql_fetch_field({{{E/result}}} {{{EO,/field_offset}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_fetch_lengths ~~Get the length of each output in a result ::mysql_fetch_lengths({{{E/result}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_fetch_object ~~Fetch a result row as an object ::mysql_fetch_object({{{E/result}}} {{{EO,/result_type}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_fetch_row ~~Get a result row as an enumerated array ::mysql_fetch_row({{{E/result}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_field_name ~~Get the name of the specified field in a result ::mysql_field_name({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_index}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_field_seek ~~Set result pointer to a specified field offset ::mysql_field_seek({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_offset}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_field_table ~~Get name of the table the specified field is in ::mysql_field_table({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_offset}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_field_type ~~Get the type of the specified field in a result ::mysql_field_type({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_offset}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_field_flags ~~Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result ::mysql_field_flags({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_offset}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_field_len ~~Returns the length of the specified field ::mysql_field_len({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/field_offset}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_free_result ~~Free result memory ::mysql_free_result({{{E/result}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_insert_id ~~Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation ::mysql_insert_id({{{E/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_list_fields ~~List MySQL result fields ::mysql_list_fields({{{E/database_name}}}, {{{E/table_name}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_list_dbs ~~List databases available on on MySQL server ::mysql_list_dbs({{{EO/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_list_tables ~~List tables in a MySQL database ::mysql_list_tables({{{E/database}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_num_fields ~~Get number of fields in result ::mysql_num_fields({{{E/result}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_num_rows ~~Get number of rows in result ::mysql_num_rows({{{E/result}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_pconnect ~~Open a persistent connection to a MySQL Server ::mysql_pconnect({{{EO/hostname}}} {{{EO:/port}}} {{{EO://path/to/socket}}} {{{EO,/username}}} {{{E/password}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_query ~~Send an SQL query to MySQL ::mysql_query({{{E/query}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_result ~~Get result data ::mysql_result({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/row}}} {{{EO,/field}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_select_db ~~Select a MySQL database ::mysql_select_db({{{E/database_name}}} {{{EO,/link_identifier}}});
MySQL functions\mysql_tablename ~~Get table name of field ::mysql_tablename({{{E/result}}}, {{{E/i}}});
Network functions\checkdnsrr ~~Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address ::checkdnsrr({{{E/host}}} {{{EO,/type}}});
Network functions\closelog ~~close connection to system logger ::closelog();
Oracle functions\Ora_Exec ~~execute parsed statement on an Oracle cursor ::ora_exec({{{E/cursor}}});
Oracle functions\Ora_Fetch ~~fetch a row of data from a cursor ::ora_fetch({{{E/cursor}}});
Oracle functions\Ora_GetColumn ~~get data from a fetched row ::ora_getcolumn({{{E/cursor}}}, {{{E/column}}});
Oracle functions\Ora_Logoff ~~close an Oracle connection ::ora_logoff({{{E/connection}}});
Oracle functions\Ora_Logon ~~open an Oracle connection ::ora_logon({{{E/user}}}, {{{E/password}}});
Oracle functions\Ora_Open ~~open an Oracle cursor ::ora_open({{{E/connection}}});
Oracle functions\Ora_Rollback ~~roll back transaction ::ora_rollback({{{E/connection}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIDefineByName ~~Use a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT ::OCIDefineByName({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/Column-Name}}}, {{{E/&variable}}} {{{EO,/type}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIBindByName ~~Bind a PHP variable to an Oracle Placeholder ::OCIBindByName({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/ph_name}}}, {{{E/&variable}}}, {{{E/length}}} {{{EO,/type}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCILogon ~~Establishes a connection to Oracle ::OCILogon({{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}} {{{EO,/db}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIPLogon ~~Connect to an Oracle database and log on using a persistant connection ::OCIPLogon({{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}} {{{EO,/db}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCINLogon ~~Connect to an Oracle database and log on using a new connection ::OCINLogon({{{E/username}}}, {{{E/password}}} {{{EO,/db}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCILogOff ~~Disconnects from Oracle ::OCILogOff({{{E/connection}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIExecute ~~Execute a statement ::OCIExecute({{{E/statement}}} {{{EO,/mode}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIRollback ~~Rolls back outstanding transactions ::OCIRollback({{{E/connection}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCINewDescriptor ~~Initialize a new empty descriptor LOB/FILE ::OCINewDescriptor({{{E/connection}}} {{{EO,/type}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIRowCount ~~Gets the number of affected rows ::OCIRowCount({{{E/statement}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCINumCols ~~Return the number of result columns in a statement ::OCINumCols({{{E/stmt}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIResult ~~Returns coulumn value for fetched row ::OCIResult({{{E/statement}}}, {{{E/column}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIFetch ~~Fetches the next row into result-buffer ::OCIFetch({{{E/statement}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIFetchInto ~~Fetches the next row into result-array ::OCIFetchInto({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/&result}}} {{{EO,/mode}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIFetchStatement ~~Fetch all rows of result data into an array ::OCIFetchStatement({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/&variable}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIColumnIsNULL ~~test whether a result column is NULL ::OCIColumnIsNULL({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/column}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIColumnSize ~~return result column size ::OCIColumnSize({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/column}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIServerVersion ~~Return a string containing server version information ::OCIServerVersion({{{E/conn}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIStatementType ~~Return the type of an OCI statement ::OCIStatementType({{{E/stmt}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCINewCursor ~~return a new cursor (Statement-Handle); ::OCINewCursor({{{E/conn}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIFreeStatement ~~Free all resources associated with a statement ::OCIFreeStatement({{{E/stmt}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIFreeCursor ~~Free all resources associated with a cursor ::OCIFreeCursor({{{E/stmt}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIColumnName ~~Returns the name of a column ::OCIColumnName({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIColumnType ~~Returns the data type of a column ::OCIColumnName({{{E/stmt}}}, {{{E/col}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIParse ~~Parse a query and return a statement ::OCIParse({{{E/conn}}}, {{{E/query}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIError ~~Return the last error of stmt|conn|global ::OCIError({{{EO/stmt|conn}}});
Oracle 8 functions\OCIInternalDebug ~~Enables or disables internal debug output ::OCIInternalDebug({{{E/onoff}}});
PDF functions\PDF_get_info ~~Returns a default info structure for a pdf document ::pdf_get_info({{{E/filename}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_info_creator ~~Fills the creator field of the info structure ::pdf_set_info_creator({{{E/info}}}, {{{E/creator}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_info_title ~~Fills the title field of the info structure ::pdf_set_info_title({{{E/info}}}, {{{E/title}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_info_subject ~~Fills the subject field of the info structure ::pdf_set_info_subject({{{E/info}}}, {{{E/subject}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_info_keywords ~~Fills the keywords field of the info structure ::pdf_set_info_keywords({{{E/info}}}, {{{E/keywords}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_info_author ~~Fills the author field of the info structure ::pdf_set_info_author({{{E/info}}}, {{{E/author}}});
PDF functions\PDF_open ~~Opens a new pdf document ::pdf_open({{{E/file}}}, {{{E/info}}});
PDF functions\PDF_close ~~Closes a pdf document ::pdf_close({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_begin_page ~~Starts new page ::pdf_begin_page({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/double height}}}, {{{E/double width}}});
PDF functions\PDF_end_page ~~Ends a page ::pdf_end_page({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_show ~~Output text at current position ::pdf_show({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
PDF functions\PDF_show_xy ~~Output text at given position ::pdf_show_xy({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_font ~~Selects a font face and size ::pdf_set_font({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/font name}}}, {{{E/size}}}, {{{E/encoding}}}, {{{E/embed}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_leading ~~Sets distance between text lines ::pdf_set leading({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/distance}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_text_rendering ~~Determines how text is rendered ::pdf_set_text_rendering({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_horiz_scaling ~~Sets horizontal scaling of text ::pdf_set_horiz_scaling({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/scale}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_text_rise ~~Sets the text rise ::pdf_set_text_rise({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_text_matrix ~~Sets the text matrix ::pdf_set_text_matrix({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/matrix}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_text_pos ~~Sets text position ::pdf_set_text_pos({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_char_spacing ~~Sets character spacing ::pdf_set_char_spacing({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/space}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_word_spacing ~~Sets spacing between words ::pdf_set_word_spacing({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/space}}});
PDF functions\PDF_continue_text ~~Outputs text in next line ::pdf_continue_text({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
PDF functions\PDF_stringwidth ~~Returns width of text using current font ::pdf_stringwidth({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
PDF functions\PDF_save ~~Saves the current environment ::pdf_save({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_restore ~~Restores formerly saved environment ::pdf_restore({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_translate ~~Sets origin of coordinate system ::pdf_translate({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}});
PDF functions\PDF_scale ~~Sets scaling ::pdf_scale({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-scale}}}, {{{E/y-scale}}});
PDF functions\PDF_rotate ~~Sets rotation ::pdf_rotate({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/angle}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setflat ~~Sets flatness ::pdf_setflat({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setlinejoin ~~Sets linejoin parameter ::pdf_setlinejoin({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setlinecap ~~Sets linecap parameter ::pdf_setlinecap({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setmiterlimit ~~Sets miter limit ::pdf_setmiterlimit({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setlinewidth ~~Sets line width ::pdf_setlinewidth({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/width}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setdash ~~Sets dash pattern ::pdf_setdash({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/white}}}, {{{E/black}}});
PDF functions\PDF_moveto ~~Sets current point ::pdf_moveto({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}});
PDF functions\PDF_curveto ~~Draws a curve ::pdf_curveto({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x1}}}, {{{E/y1}}}, {{{E/x2}}}, {{{E/y2}}}, {{{E/x3}}}, {{{E/y3}}});
PDF functions\PDF_lineto ~~Draws a line ::pdf_lineto({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}});
PDF functions\PDF_circle ~~Draws a circle ::pdf_circle({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}}, {{{E/radius}}});
PDF functions\PDF_arc ~~Draws an arc ::pdf_arc({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}}, {{{E/radius}}}, {{{E/start}}}, {{{E/end}}});
PDF functions\PDF_rect ~~Draws a rectangle ::pdf_rect({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}}, {{{E/width}}}, {{{E/height}}});
PDF functions\PDF_closepath ~~Closes path ::pdf_closepath({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_stroke ~~Draws line along path ::pdf_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_closepath_stroke ~~Closes path and draws line along path ::pdf_closepath_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_fill ~~Fills current path ::pdf_fill({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_fill_stroke ~~Fills and strokes current path ::pdf_fill_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_closepath_fill_stroke ~~Closes, fills and strokes current path ::pdf_closepath_fill_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_endpath ~~Ends current path ::pdf_endpath({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_clip ~~Clips to current path ::pdf_clip({{{E/pdf document}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setgray_fill ~~Sets filling color to gray value ::pdf_setgray_fill({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/double value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setgray_stroke ~~Sets drawing color to gray value ::pdf_setgray_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/gray value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setgray ~~Sets drawing and filling color to gray value ::pdf_setgray({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/gray value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setrgbcolor_fill ~~Sets filling color to rgb color value ::pdf_setrgbcolor_fill({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/red value}}}, {{{E/green value}}}, {{{E/blue value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setrgbcolor_stroke ~~Sets drawing color to rgb color value ::pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/red value}}}, {{{E/green value}}}, {{{E/blue value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_setrgbcolor ~~Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value ::pdf_setrgbcolor({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/red value}}}, {{{E/green value}}}, {{{E/blue value}}});
PDF functions\PDF_add_outline ~~Adds bookmark for current page ::pdf_add_outline({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/text}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_transition ~~Sets transition between pages ::pdf_set_transition({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/transition}}});
PDF functions\PDF_set_duration ~~Sets duration between pages ::pdf_set_duration({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/duration}}});
PDF functions\PDF_open_gif ~~Opens a GIF image ::pdf_open_gif({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/filename}}});
PDF functions\PDF_open_memory_image ~~Opens an image created with PHP's image functions ::pdf_open_memory_image({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/image}}});
PDF functions\PDF_open_jpeg ~~Opens a JPEG image ::pdf_open_jpeg({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/filename}}});
PDF functions\PDF_close_image ~~Closes an image ::pdf_close_image({{{E/image}}});
PDF functions\PDF_place_image ~~Places an image on the page ::pdf_place_image({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/image}}}, {{{E/x-koor}}}, {{{E/y-koor}}}, {{{E/scale}}});
PDF functions\PDF_put_image ~~Stores an image in the PDF for later use ::pdf_put_image({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/image}}});
PDF functions\PDF_execute_image ~~Places a stored image on the page ::pdf_execute_image({{{E/pdf document}}}, {{{E/image}}}, {{{E/x-coor}}}, {{{E/y-coor}}}, {{{E/scale}}});
Perl-compatible Regular Expression functions\preg_match ~~Perform a regular expression match ::preg_match({{{E/pattern}}}, {{{E/subject}}} {{{EO,/matches}}});
Perl-compatible Regular Expression functions\preg_match_all ~~Perform a global regular expression match ::preg_match_all({{{E/pattern}}}, {{{E/subject}}}, {{{E/matches}}} {{{EO,/order}}});
Perl-compatible Regular Expression functions\preg_replace ~~Perform a regular expression search and replace ::preg_replace({{{E/pattern}}}, {{{E/replacement}}}, {{{E/subject}}});
Perl-compatible Regular Expression functions\preg_split ~~Split string by a regular expression ::preg_split({{{E/pattern}}}, {{{E/subject}}} {{{EO,/limit}}} {{{EO,/flags}}});
PHP options & information\error_reporting ~~set which PHP errors are reported ::error_reporting({{{EO/level}}});
PHP options & information\extension_loaded ~~find out whether an extension is loaded ::extension_loaded({{{E/name}}});
PHP options & information\getenv ~~Get the value of an environment variable ::getenv({{{E/varname}}});
PHP options & information\get_cfg_var ~~Get the value of a PHP configuration option ::get_cfg_var({{{E/varname}}});
PHP options & information\get_current_user ~~Get the name of the owner of the current PHP script ::get_current_user();
PHP options & information\get_magic_quotes_gpc ~~Get the current active configuration setting of magic quotes gpc ::get_magic_quotes_gpc();
PHP options & information\get_magic_quotes_runtime ~~Get the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime ::get_magic_quotes_runtime();
PHP options & information\getlastmod ~~Get time of last page modification ::getlastmod();
PHP options & information\getmyinode ~~Get the inode of the current script ::getmyinode();
PHP options & information\getmypid ~~Get PHP's process ID ::getmypid();
PHP options & information\getrusage ~~Get the current resource usages ::getrusage({{{E/who}}});
PHP options & information\phpinfo ~~Output lots of PHP information ::phpinfo();
PHP options & information\phpversion ~~Get the current PHP version ::phpversion();
PHP options & information\putenv ~~Set the value of an environment variable ::putenv({{{E/setting}}});
PHP options & information\set_magic_quotes_runtime ~~Set the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime ::set_magic_quotes_runtime({{{E/new_setting}}});
PHP options & information\set_time_limit ~~limit the maximum execution time ::set_time_limit({{{E/seconds}}});
POSIX functions\posix_kill ~~Send a signal to a process ::posix_kill({{{E/pid}}}, {{{E/sig}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getpid ~~Return the current process identifier ::posix_getpid();
POSIX functions\posix_getppid ~~Return the parent process identifier ::posix_getppid();
POSIX functions\posix_getuid ~~Return the real user ID of the current process ::posix_getuid();
POSIX functions\posix_geteuid ~~Return the effective user ID of the current process ::posix_geteuid();
POSIX functions\posix_getgid ~~Return the real group ID of the current process ::posix_getgid();
POSIX functions\posix_getegid ~~Return the effective group ID of the current process ::posix_getegid();
POSIX functions\posix_setuid ~~Set the effective UID of the current process ::posix_setuid({{{E/uid}}});
POSIX functions\posix_setgid ~~Set the effective GID of the current process ::posix_setgid({{{E/gid}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getgroups ~~Return the group set of the current process ::posix_getgroups();
POSIX functions\posix_getlogin ~~Return login name ::posix_getlogin();
POSIX functions\posix_getpgrp ~~Return the current process group identifier ::posix_getpgrp();
POSIX functions\posix_setsid ~~Make the current process a session leader ::posix_setsid();
POSIX functions\posix_setpgid ~~set process group id for job control ::posix_setpgid({{{E/pid}}}, {{{E/pgid}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getpgid ~~Get process group id for job control ::posix_getpgid({{{E/pid}}});
POSIX functions\posix_setsid ~~Get the current sid of the process ::posix_getsid({{{E/pid}}});
POSIX functions\posix_uname ~~Get system name ::posix_uname();
POSIX functions\posix_times ~~Get process times ::posix_times();
POSIX functions\posix_ctermid ~~Get path name of controlling terminal ::posix_ctermid();
POSIX functions\posix_ttyname ~~Determine terminal device name ::posix_ttyname({{{E/fd}}});
POSIX functions\posix_isatty ~~Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal ::posix_isatty({{{E/fd}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getcwd ~~Pathname of current directory ::posix_getcwd();
POSIX functions\posix_mkfifo ~~Create a fifo special file (a named pipe) ::posix_getcwd({{{E/pathname}}}, {{{E/mode}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getgrnam ~~Return info about a group by name ::posix_getgrnam({{{E/name}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getgrgid ~~Return info about a group by group id ::posix_getgrgid({{{E/gid}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getpwnam ~~Return info about a user by name ::posix_getpwnam({{{E/name}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getpwuid ~~Return info about a user by user id ::posix_getpwuid({{{E/uid}}});
POSIX functions\posix_getrlimit ~~Return info about system ressource limits ::posix_getrlimit();
PostgreSQL functions\pg_Close ~~closes a PostgreSQL connection ::pg_close({{{E/connection}}});
PostgreSQL functions\pg_cmdTuples ~~returns number of affected tuples ::pg_cmdtuples({{{E/result_id}}});
PostgreSQL functions\pg_Connect ~~opens a connection ::pg_connect({{{E/host}}}, {{{E/port}}}, {{{E/options}}}, {{{E/tty}}}, {{{E/dbname}}});
PostgreSQL functions\pg_DBname ~~database name ::pg_dbname({{{E/connection}}});
Regular expression functions\split ~~split string into array by regular expression ::split({{{E/pattern}}}, {{{E/string}}} {{{EO,/limit}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\sem_get ~~get a semaphore id ::sem_get({{{E/key}}} {{{EO,/max_acquire}}} {{{EO,/perm}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\sem_acquire ~~acquire a semaphore ::sem_acquire({{{E/sem_identifier}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\sem_release ~~release a semaphore ::sem_release({{{E/sem_identifier}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\shm_attach ~~Creates or open a shared memory segment ::shm_attach({{{E/key}}} {{{EO,/memsize}}} {{{EO,/perm}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\shm_detach ~~Disconnects from shared memory segment ::shm_detach({{{E/shm_identifier}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\shm_remove ~~Removes shared memory from Unix systems ::shm_remove({{{E/shm_identifier}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\shm_put_var ~~Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory ::shm_put_var({{{E/shm_identifier}}}, {{{E/variable_key}}}, {{{E/variable}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\shm_get_var ~~Returns a variable from shared memory ::shm_get_var({{{E/id}}}, {{{E/variable_key}}});
Semaphore and shared memory functions\shm_remove_var ~~Removes a variable from shared memory ::shm_remove_var({{{E/id}}}, {{{E/variable_key}}});
Session handling functions\session_start ~~Initialize session data ::session_start();
Session handling functions\session_destroy ~~Destroys all data registered to a session ::session_destroy();
Session handling functions\session_name ~~Get and/or set the current session name ::session_name({{{EO/name}}});
Session handling functions\session_module_name ~~Get and/or set the current session module ::session_module_name({{{EO/module}}});
Session handling functions\session_save_path ~~Get and/or set the current session save path ::session_save_path({{{EO/path}}});
Session handling functions\session_id ~~Get and/or set the current session id ::session_id({{{EO/id}}});
Session handling functions\session_register ~~Register one or more variables with the current session ::session_register({{{E/name}}});
Session handling functions\session_unregister ~~Unregister a variable from the current session ::session_unregister({{{E/name}}});
Session handling functions\session_is_registered ~~Find out if a variable is registered in a session ::session_is_registered({{{E/name}}});
Session handling functions\session_decode ~~Decodes session data from a string ::session_decode({{{E/data}}});
Session handling functions\session_encode ~~Encodes the current session data as a string ::session_encode();
SNMP functions\snmpwalk ~~Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent ::snmpwalk({{{E/hostname}}}, {{{E/community}}}, {{{E/object_id}}} {{{EO,/timeout}}} {{{EO,/retries}}});
SNMP functions\snmpwalkoid ~~Query for a tree of information about a network entity ::snmpwalkoid({{{E/hostname}}}, {{{E/community}}}, {{{E/object_id}}} {{{EO,/timeout}}} {{{EO,/retries}}});
SNMP functions\snmp_get_quick_print ~~Fetch the current value of the UCD library's quick_print setting ::snmp_get_quick_print();
SNMP functions\snmp_set_quick_print ~~Set the value of quick_print within the UCD SNMP library ::snmp_set_quick_print({{{E/quick_print}}});
String functions\AddCSlashes ~~Quote string with slashes in a C style ::addcslashes({{{E/str}}}, {{{E/charlist}}});
String functions\AddSlashes ~~Quote string with slashes ::addslashes({{{E/str}}});
String functions\bin2hex ~~Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation ::bin2hex({{{E/str}}});
String functions\Chr ~~Return a specific character ::chr({{{E/ascii}}});
String functions\chunk_split ~~Split a string into smaller chunks ::chunk_split({{{E/string}}} {{{EO,/chunklen}}} {{{EO,/end}}});
String functions\convert_cyr_string ~~Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another ::convert_cyr_string({{{E/str}}}, {{{E/from}}}, {{{E/to}}});
String functions\crypt ~~DES-encrypt a string ::crypt({{{E/str}}} {{{EO,/salt}}});
String functions\echo ~~Output one or more strings ::echo({{{E/arg1}}} {{{EO,/argn}}});
String functions\explode ~~Split a string by string ::explode({{{E/separator}}}, {{{E/string}}});
String functions\flush ~~Flush the output buffer ::flush();
String functions\get_html_translation_table ~~Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() ::get_html_translation_table({{{E/table}}});
String functions\get_meta_tags ~~Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array ::get_meta_tags({{{E/filename}}} {{{EO,/use_include_path}}});
String functions\htmlentities ~~Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities ::htmlentities({{{E/string}}});
String functions\htmlspecialchars ~~Convert special characters to HTML entities ::htmlspecialchars({{{E/string}}});
String functions\implode ~~Join array elements with a string ::implode({{{E/glue}}}, {{{E/pieces}}});
String functions\join ~~Join array elements with a string ::join({{{E/glue}}}, {{{E/pieces}}});
String functions\ltrim ~~Strip whitespace from the beginning of a string ::ltrim({{{E/str}}});
String functions\md5 ~~Calculate the md5 hash of a string ::md5({{{E/str}}});
String functions\Metaphone ~~Calculate the metaphone key of a string ::metaphone({{{E/str}}});
String functions\nl2br ~~Converts newlines to HTML line breaks ::nl2br({{{E/string}}});
String functions\Ord ~~Return ASCII value of character ::ord({{{E/string}}});
String functions\parse_str ~~Parses the string into variables ::parse_str({{{E/str}}});
String functions\print ~~Output a string ::print({{{E/arg}}});
String functions\printf ~~output a formatted string ::printf({{{E/format}}}, {{{E/args}}});
String functions\quoted_printable_decode ~~Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string ::quoted_printable_decode({{{E/str}}});
String functions\QuoteMeta ~~quote meta characters ::quotemeta({{{E/str}}});
String functions\strtolower ~~Make a string lowercase ::strtolower({{{E/str}}});
String functions\strtoupper ~~Make a string uppercase ::strtoupper({{{E/string}}});
String functions\str_replace ~~Replace all occurrences of needle in haystack with str ::str_replace({{{E/needle}}}, {{{E/str}}}, {{{E/haystack}}});
String functions\strtr ~~Translate certain characters ::strtr({{{E/str}}}, {{{E/from}}}, {{{E/to}}});
String functions\substr ~~Return part of a string ::substr({{{E/string}}}, {{{E/start}}} {{{EO,/length}}});
String functions\substr_replace ~~Replace text within a portion of a string ::substr_replace({{{E/string}}}, {{{E/replacement}}}, {{{E/start}}} {{{EO,/length}}});
String functions\trim ~~Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of a string ::trim({{{E/str}}});
String functions\ucfirst ~~Make a string's first character uppercase ::ucfirst({{{E/str}}});
String functions\ucwords ~~Uppercase the first character of each word in a string ::ucwords({{{E/str}}});
Sybase functions\sybase_affected_rows ~~get number of affected rows in last query ::sybase_affected_rows({{{EO/link_identifier}}});
Variable functions\doubleval ~~Get double value of a variable ::doubleval({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\empty ~~determine whether a variable is set ::empty({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\gettype ~~Get the type of a variable ::gettype({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\intval ~~Get integer value of a variable ::intval({{{E/var}}} {{{EO,/base}}});
Variable functions\is_array ~~Finds whether a variable is an array ::is_array({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_double ~~Finds whether a variable is a double ::is_double({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_float ~~Finds whether a variable is a float ::is_float({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_int ~~Find whether a variable is an integer ::is_int({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_integer ~~Find whether a variable is an integer ::is_integer({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_long ~~Finds whether a variable is an integer ::is_long({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_object ~~Finds whether a variable is an object ::is_object({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_real ~~Finds whether a variable is a real ::is_real({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\is_string ~~Finds whether a variable is a string ::is_string({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\isset ~~determine whether a variable is set ::isset({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\settype ~~Set the type of a variable ::settype({{{E/var}}}, {{{E/type}}});
Variable functions\strval ~~Get string value of a variable ::strval({{{E/var}}});
Variable functions\unset ~~Unset a given variable ::unset({{{E/var}}});
Vmailmgr functions\vm_adduser ~~Add a new virtual user with a password ::vm_adduser({{{E/vdomain}}}, {{{E/basepwd}}}, {{{E/newusername}}}, {{{E/newuserpassword}}});
Vmailmgr functions\vm_addalias ~~Add an alias to a virtual user ::vm_addalias({{{E/vdomain}}}, {{{E/basepwd}}}, {{{E/username}}}, {{{E/alias}}});
Vmailmgr functions\vm_delalias ~~Removes an alias ::vm_delalias({{{E/vdomain}}}, {{{E/basepwd}}}, {{{E/alias}}});
Vmailmgr functions\vm_deluser ~~Removes a virtual user ::vm_deluser({{{E/vdomain}}}, {{{E/username}}});
WDDX functions\wddx_serialize_value ~~Serialize a single value into a WDDX packet ::wddx_serialize_value({{{E/var}}} {{{EO,/comment}}});
WDDX functions\wddx_serialize_vars ~~Serialize variables into a WDDX packet ::wddx_serialize_vars({{{E/var_name}}});
WDDX functions\wddx_packet_start ~~Starts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it ::wddx_packet_start({{{EO/comment}}});
WDDX functions\wddx_packet_end ~~Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID ::wddx_packet_end({{{E/packet_id}}});
WDDX functions\wddx_add_vars ~~Add the result to the packet specified by the packet_id ::wddx_add_vars({{{E/packet_id}}}, {{{E/name_var}}});
WDDX functions\wddx_deserialize ~~Deserializes a WDDX packet ::wddx_deserialize({{{E/packet}}});
XML parser functions\xml_parser_create ~~create an XML parser ::xml_parser_create({{{E/encoding}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_object ~~Use XML Parser withing an object ::xml_set_object({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/&object}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_element_handler ~~set up start and end element handlers ::xml_set_element_handler({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/startElementHandler}}}, {{{E/endElementHandler}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_character_data_handler ~~set up character data handler ::xml_set_character_data_handler({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/handler}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_processing_instruction_handler ~~Set up processing instruction (PI) handler ::xml_set_processing_instruction_handler({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/handler}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_default_handler ~~set up default handler ::xml_set_default_handler({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/handler}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler ~~Set up unparsed entity declaration handler ::xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/handler}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_notation_decl_handler ~~set up notation declaration handler ::xml_set_notation_decl_handler({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/handler}}});
XML parser functions\xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler ~~set up external entity reference handler ::xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/handler}}});
XML parser functions\xml_parse ~~start parsing an XML document ::xml_parse({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/data}}} {{{EO,/isFinal}}});
XML parser functions\xml_get_error_code ~~get XML parser error code ::xml_get_error_code({{{E/parser}}});
XML parser functions\xml_error_string ~~get XML parser error string ::xml_error_string({{{E/code}}});
XML parser functions\xml_get_current_line_number ~~get current line number for an XML parser ::xml_get_current_line_number({{{E/parser}}});
XML parser functions\xml_get_current_column_number ~~Get current column number for an XML parser ::xml_get_current_column_number({{{E/parser}}});
XML parser functions\xml_get_current_byte_index ~~get current byte index for an XML parser ::xml_get_current_byte_index({{{E/parser}}});
XML parser functions\xml_parser_free ~~Free an XML parser ::xml_parser_free({{{E/parser}}});
XML parser functions\xml_parser_set_option ~~set options in an XML parser ::xml_parser_set_option({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/option}}}, {{{E/value}}});
XML parser functions\xml_parser_get_option ~~get options from an XML parser ::xml_parser_get_option({{{E/parser}}}, {{{E/option}}});
XML parser functions\utf8_decode ~~Converts a UTF-8 encoded string to ISO-8859-1 ::utf8_decode({{{E/data}}});
XML parser functions\utf8_encode ~~encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8 ::utf8_encode({{{E/data}}});